Saturday, September 20, 2008

Curler Night

Rachel came and spent the weekend with us. She brought her curlers. Lori had lots of fun. Ty and Lori cannot believe every Saturday night I use to wear curlers. When I was young my Mom use to put them in our hair. "Getting ready for Saturday".


Kate said...

My best memory of growing up with curlers was the Love Boat... I remember we would watch the Love Boat as you guys would curl mine and Melinda's hair... "the looooove boat...Love, exciting and new. Come Aboard. We're expecting you. ... I can hear that song now... :)

Rachel Barlow said...

gotta love the curls! i too remember melinda and kate and probably all of the sisters putting them in my hair all of the time! i would be so happy and get excited and bring the pink bag to them! i think i put them in for a few school pictures too!! fun times! so glad they still have them!