Saturday, May 2, 2009

Waiting for Ty's game to start

Lori is our climber. Even in her shirt. She always has her shorts or leggings on. She was having lots of fun.
How cute is Bryn going down the slide.

Ashley and Lori doing there climbing. (Ashley's brothers our on the team)

Lori and Bryn trying to slide at the same time. They never did get it, but it was fun watching.

Ashley and Bryn.
We have to get to the games 1 hr. early. We went to Rosamond yesterday. They have a fun park by the field. The girls love playing there. We like parks. The girls have so much fun.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Cute... an hour early... that makes for a long stay at the park and field... you are all great fans!