Friday, May 29, 2009

Piano Rectial

Ty with his sisters. Bryn had to be taken out she was so happy and loud after every song.
Ty with Grandma Bird (she came in town for a week. We had her moving and going the whole week. Every night was full of a game, dance, recital, cub scouts. Zack and I even got to go to the Temple and a nice dinner. Thanks Mom Bird!!!)

Ty and G&G Barlow

Ty also did a duet with another student. He happens to be a friend at church. They did well together.

Ty asked about 3 years ago to take piano. We could not do it then. He started Jan. 08. He does such a good job. 3 out of the 7 days a week he remembers to play on his own. The other 4 Zack and I remind him. He still is playing with a smile. (he knows I'll never let him quite)
He did an Indian song this year. Every well done!!!

1 comment:

MEB said...

Good for Ty! That is awesome Suzanne and Dad and Mom where able to be there. What a fun treat to have Suzanne in town for a whole week.