Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sleeping out on the Trampoline

Bryn seating for our movie night. She loved Ice Age 2.

Ty and Lori wanted to do something with there Dad for the end of summer. So they slept out on the trampoline or should I say that's what we thought would happen. Bryn of course sleep inside and about 10:45pm Lori came in telling me she has chosen to sleep in her own bed. So it ended up just being the boys. All the kids loved hearing Zack's stories and looking at the stars.

The next night they wanted to do the same thing. We ended up making a big family bed on the family room floor watching a move, having popcorn and rootbeer. We had lots of fun. :)


MEB said...

That looks like SO much fun! I don't blame Lori for coming inside. She and I can relate to each other. :)
What great memories for your kids!

Kate said...

So, fun... these types of things are the great memories and stories they will have of growing up... so fun, what great parents!

Rachel Barlow said...

SO FUN! i have always wanted to do that! so special...you're kidos will always remember that!!