Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hogle Zoo -- Salt Lake, Utah

Bryn seeing how tall she is. How cute is she.
Ty thought it was so cool to touch a snack.
Lori and Grandma touching a snack. I even did.
Bryn at the end of the day. She was so tired.
Lori could not believe how tall a Giraffe is. The mother Giraffe had a baby and it was still big.
Lori's legs were hurting so we put her on the stroller with Bryn. Bryn was tickling Lori
Grandma Bird, Ty, Lori and Bryn. Grandma Bird stayed in town so we could spend some time with her. We had lots of fun.

Having fun at Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake, Utah. We had lots of fun.


MEB said...

Such cute pictures, except for the snake ones! AHHH...I can't believe they touched a snake!

Shelly said...

Way CUTE!!! Sorry I missed it. You know, touching SNACKS is how I got to where I am now....but touching SNAKES is something I have avoided for years! Hahahaha

Kate said...

Such cute pictures! I love the picture with Bryn in front of the shadow wall.

Rachel Barlow said...

love that pic of lori! i don't ever want to touch a snake let alone get that close to one. only with glass and even with glass who knows that may not protect us with harry potter around!!!