Monday, April 20, 2009

To my Utah family.....

My brother and sisters have recently posted all the snow they are getting in April.
I'll take the snow over the heat we are getting.
I cannot handle the heat anymore. I went and got everything we needed to get our swap cooler working today. This was my "project" for the day. It has been way hot for the last 4 days. Zack got home just in time to help with the hard part. Thanks Zack!!
As you can see from the picture above it was 90 degrees at 6:45pm. We got the swap going and at 10pm the house got down to 72 degrees. Our days have been so much nicer with our cooler going.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh the extremes! Snow or 90 degree... where did the 70 degree weather go?!