Monday, January 28, 2008

Our Baby is Growing...6 months

As you all know on January 18th Bryn turned 6 months. We cannot believe how fast time is going by and how big Bryn is getting.
Lori wanted to take a picture with her. They are so cute!!! Lori decided that since it was Bryn's "6 month Birthday" we better have a Birthday cake. Anytime Lori can have Birthday cake is a good day for her.
Dad and Mom Bird came into town so we had two things to celebrate that day.


Garrett said...

OK I barely recognized her. She is getting so big. Tell Ty to make sure she knows who I am.

Kate said...

Wow, she really is growing up fast! I can't wait to see your kids again!

Rachel Barlow said...

adorable....i can't handle it

Shelly said...

So adorable! I can't wait to come see you guys!