Saturday, June 13, 2009

Garage Sale

On March 24th my friends daughter was in a terrible accident. She is 4 yrs. old. It has left her with many disabilities. She has to relearn everything. She is like a 5 month old in a 4 year old body. Today is June 13th. Jaimee has relearned how to roll over, hold her head up for 15 mins. and much more. Each day she is learning so much.
My friends insurance is not covering any of her medical equipment. We (another family and Zack and I) decided to have a garage sale trying to earn some extra money for them. Our email was sent to 35 people from there it was sent to 100's.
The pictures you see above are from the garage sale. We used 3 peoples yard and driveways.
We were VERY successful. Many Many donated. It was unbelievable. It never slowed down. People kept coming and coming.
It was so great to see so many come together.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh my... I don't even know these people and I got emotional reading this. Way to go! That is so awesome of you all to help them out and raise money for them.