Monday, January 26, 2009

My Man Playing Ball

Zack is playing basketball Monday nights. He had a co worker come to him and ask to play with him and some friends. Long story short he has become the coach and the other players are not great. They are having lots of fun and the kids love watching their Dad play.
Freddie and Zack are in the picture right above. Freddie is a friend of Zack's. They have been teaching the others how to play a 3-2 defense and zone.


Kate said...

So fun! Way to go Zack. I am sure the kids are loving watching their Dad in action.

Shelly said...

YEAH Michelle! Thanks for updating your blog! Cute pictures.

Corrine Barlow said...

Good shots! It was fun to see him in the mode of playing his favorite game.

Dave and Lorraine Barlow said...

Zack--so fun you can play basketball and have such a great cheering section!